About Me

Hello my name is Ann, also known as, A Girl in Paradise.

I am originally from America’s Hometown Plymouth, MA and still talk with a Boston accent.  I can’t seem to shake it no matter how hard I try.  After quite a bit of traveling and living in some far off places, my husband and I settled in the Sunshine State.  Here in Florida we raise our 3 kids, The Man Child, The Girl, and The Boy.

I love living in Florida and experiencing all that it has to offer.  It is much different than my New England upbringing, but I have traded the long cold winters for summers that never seem to end.  Now my days are spent creating things, feeding people, and making a home for my family.

A Girl in Paradise is place where I share the creative side of my life, unless of course that includes power tools, and then I’m out, because seriously I could get hurt.  It is a place for inspiration and conversation, so join me, and let me know who you are and where you create.